1. Rules shall be in accordance with the International Hockey Federation ( except as modified here:
a. Eligibility: players must be 18 years or older or may be 17 if they have graduated from high school.
b. Only players registered with Burke AC may participate.
c. Players may only be on one team roster and may not play for other teams in regular or post season games.
d. Goggles are not mandatory. However, they are recommended for all athletes. Athletes playing without goggles do so at their on risk.
2. Game Procedures
a. Burke AC will provide referees.
b. There will be a central clock and central horn to start each game and end each half.
c. Games will be played 7v7 and goal keepers shall be optional.
d. Games will consist of two 25 minute halves with one 5 minute half time.
e. There will be a running clock.
f. Teams have until 5 minutes after the scheduled start time to field at least 5 players or forfeit the game.
g. At no time during a game shall a team field more male players than female players.
h. All field players shall wear official Burke AC pinnies.
i. Referees have complete authority on the field during games. There shall be no appeals of their calls or decisions.
3. Equipment
a. Each player shall provide their own stick and shin guards.
b. Every player shall provide and use their own mouth guard.
c. Burke AC shall provide balls for the league.
d. If a team fields a goalies, the goalie is required to provide and wear chest protectors, helmets, leg guards and kickers.
e. Shoes must be worn at all times.
f. Metal spiked cleats shall be illegal.
4. Regular and Post Season
a. Each season shall consist of seven games and one post season game.
5. Standings
a. Points shall be awarded to teams as follows:
i. Three points for a win
ii. One point for a tie
iii. No points for a loss
b. There will be no over time, strokes or other tie breaker for regular season games ending in a tie.
c. The tie breaker for teams which are tied in the standings shall be as follows:
i. Results of head-to-head competition.
ii. Goals against
iii. Coin toss
d. Post season games which end in a tie shall proceed to a shoot out. [Note: this is not strokes. See Appendix 10 of the Tournament Regulations Outdoor Competitions, June 2013]
6. Team Responsibilities
a. Teams shall identify a team manager who shall be the primary contact for game inquiries, team communications, etc.
b. Teams are responsible for their own first aid kit, ice, etc.
c. Teams are responsible for their own drinks etc. and shall at all times abide by county and club policies.
d. Teams are required to police the field at the end of each game to collect any trash, bottles, etc.
e. All teams are required to follow posted signs and other applicable county regulations including but not limited to no tobacco or alcohol shall be used at the facility.
7. Inclement weather: The league shall abide by the club’s inclement weather policy.